by dkelley | Jun 17, 2019 | blog
There’s a Retirement Crisis in America! Americans are struggling to save enough for retirement, therefore the House of representatives has passed “Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019” or SECURE Act by a bi-partisan vote of 417-3. The...
by dkelley | May 2, 2019 | blog
Global Asset Allocation Views – Q2 2019 The beginning of 2019 is off to a hot start with the major stock indices within range of their all-time highs set last September, and enjoying their best start of the year going back to 1998. The Federal Reserve has come out in...
by dkelley | Mar 25, 2019 | blog
Crunch Time Tips for Tax Time Each year HFS strives to educate our team and our clients on helpful tips for tax time. Click here, New Year, New Tax Changes, for a review of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act changes. You, your CPA, and your Financial Planner can work together...
by dkelley | Feb 14, 2019 | blog
Is Financial Stress Eating Up Your Profits? Financial stress is a silent killer that may be robbing your business of thousands or even millions of dollars of profit annually. Mercer estimated that employers lost approximately 250 billion in wages in 2017 because of...
by dkelley | Jan 29, 2019 | blog
Global Asset Allocation Views – Q1 2019 Quarter in Review The 4th quarter of 2018 did not go as planned, though in reality nothing about investing truly ever goes to plan. The S&P 500 had just hit an all-time high and we were heading into historically...
by dkelley | Jan 29, 2019 | blog
Do You Know the Real Rate of Return On Your Investments? Many investors look at their monthly statements or review their account online and look at a couple of numbers to determine how their investments are doing. The first number is usually the balance in your...