Out with the old and in with the new…year?

Out with the old and in with the new…year? The year of 2018 is sprinting to the finish line. The snow is starting to fall and the fireplace is crackling as we hustle through December. Days like today are the best time to reflect on the year in review. Your reflection...

The ABCs of ESG

The ABCs of ESG What is ESG? ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is an investment discipline focused on non-financial factors that investors have determined as being critical for a firm’s long-term performance.  These factors focus on a variety of issues...
Global Asset Allocation Views – Q4 2018

Global Asset Allocation Views – Q4 2018

Bulls and bears can both point to different sets of data to make their case on the markets.  Bulls can point to continued strength in the Leading-Coincident Indicator which shows no sign of a recession and a flattening, but not yet inverted, yield curve which has...

You are the parent? So What?

You are the parent? So What? The applications are in, standardized tests are complete and a college decision has been made.  Time is racing as college acceptance notices soon lead to freshman move in day. Now all there is to do is buy dorm supplies and drop the kids...

My Team, Our Team, Your Team

My Team, Our Team, Your Team  It has been a whirlwind since I joined the HFS Wealth Advisors Team back in January.  I am looking out my office window and I cannot believe it is July.  Where did the time go? For you regular readers of HFS Headlines you are used to...
Global Asset Allocation Views – Q3 2018

Global Asset Allocation Views – Q3 2018

Global Asset Allocation Views – Q3 2018                 Markets have continued their wild ride in 2018 with U.S. markets gaining steam with the help of small caps.  Meanwhile, international markets have been damaged by political issues, the strengthening dollar, and...