by dkelley | Apr 10, 2018 | blog
Global Asset Allocation Views – Q2 2018 It really did not take long for volatility to show up in 2018. After a first couple of weeks of parabolic moves in the equity markets, inflation and a fast pace of rate rises began to scare investors. These moves, along with...
by dkelley | Mar 28, 2018 | blog
5 Mistakes to Avoid in Creating Your Retirement Goals Now is a great time to review your retirement goals and determine how well you are doing at accomplishing the goal you set for when to retire and what lifestyle you will live in retirement. If you are like many...
by dkelley | Mar 6, 2018 | blog
Alternative Facts For many investors, there are two main asset classes that are considered for portfolio construction: Equity and Fixed Income. Equities tend to be more volatile and provide the capital appreciation investors require to compensate for risk and to...
by dkelley | Jan 23, 2018 | blog
New Year…New Tax Changes New Year, new Washington is what 2018 is shaping up to look like. The 2017 year was an important one in Washington that promises to carry forward changes to each and every American tax payer in 2018 and beyond. One of the most notable changes...
by dkelley | Jan 12, 2018 | blog
Global Asset Allocation Views – Q1 2018 Last year turned out a lot quieter than many pundits had expected going into the year. The markets brushed off any potential geopolitical turmoil surrounding North Korea, Brexit, and trade wars with China. There were only...
by dkelley | Jan 5, 2018 | blog
Managing Risk and not Returns As global equity markets continue to hit all-time highs, clients, family, and friends tend to ask the question: How is the market doing? This previous question only touches on the return factor in investment management as individuals...