by dkelley | Jul 10, 2018 | blog
Global Asset Allocation Views – Q3 2018 Markets have continued their wild ride in 2018 with U.S. markets gaining steam with the help of small caps. Meanwhile, international markets have been damaged by political issues, the strengthening dollar, and...
by dkelley | May 23, 2018 | blog
Making Sense of Fixed Income Investing The following are recent events that have begun to impact the bond market: Increased volatility in equities after a subdued 2017 Tightening monetary policy after years of low interest rates Fiscal stimulus (tax cuts) near the end...
by dkelley | May 1, 2018 | blog
College Planning – It’s Never too Early to Begin One of the greatest investments you can make is in your children’s education. A high quality education can be essential in helping your child get off to a successful start in their career. When preparing to save for...
by dkelley | Apr 10, 2018 | blog
Global Asset Allocation Views – Q2 2018 It really did not take long for volatility to show up in 2018. After a first couple of weeks of parabolic moves in the equity markets, inflation and a fast pace of rate rises began to scare investors. These moves, along with...
by dkelley | Mar 28, 2018 | blog
5 Mistakes to Avoid in Creating Your Retirement Goals Now is a great time to review your retirement goals and determine how well you are doing at accomplishing the goal you set for when to retire and what lifestyle you will live in retirement. If you are like many...
by dkelley | Mar 6, 2018 | blog
Alternative Facts For many investors, there are two main asset classes that are considered for portfolio construction: Equity and Fixed Income. Equities tend to be more volatile and provide the capital appreciation investors require to compensate for risk and to...