by dkelley | Jan 5, 2022 | blog
Are Your Social Security Records Accurate? Most everyone knows how important Social Security benefits are to financial security in retirement. Statistically, Social Security provides roughly half of all retirement income to retirees who had average lifetime earnings....
by dkelley | Dec 12, 2021 | blog
Ready to Retire – What keeps you up at night? You’ve finally made it to that time in your life when retirement is in sight. Whether your projected retirement age is 62, 65, 67, or even 70 and beyond, what holds you back from retiring? What are your concerns, the...
by dkelley | Oct 13, 2021 | blog
Acronym Circus In 1981 The Johnson Companies created the first 401 (k) plan which allowed employees to contribute to their retirement plan through payroll deduction. So, from an employee perspective this is simple, how much do you want to contribute and where would...
by dkelley | Aug 27, 2021 | blog
Job openings available, but Workers unwilling to work! In February of 2020 US unemployment was 3.5%, this represented 50 year low and employers could foresee a possible labor shortage on the horizon. Then the pandemic hit in February of 2020 and unemployment rose to...
by dkelley | Jul 26, 2021 | blog
“Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many.” – Anonymous Aging is an act that many individuals want to make gracefully. However, it is important to know that risks exist throughout all life stages. Today, let’s focus on risks in the...
by dkelley | Jul 23, 2021 | blog
Q3 2021 Global Asset Allocation Views Market Review Stocks hit new highs as pandemic recedes – equity markets were finally able to hit new highs in June after trending sideways during the first part of the quarter. The latest grind higher was led by big tech after...